I want to share a two of my favorite things with you...
This year, because we adopted Common Core a week before school started, and because our school can't afford to purchase any new curriculum materials, we have been bouncing around checking out curriculum materials that other schools have already put together. The best thing I have learned from all of this research so far, is a method for teaching addition with mental math. It's so simple, yet so effective.
I have always taught my little ones to "count on" when adding, but it never really stuck that well. This lesson from NYS teaches the kids to touch their heads and put the bigger number in there. So for 6+3, they would touch their heads and exaggerate the number, "Siiiiiiiiiix," then use fingers to add 3 more saying, "seven, eight, nine." I watch kids now doing math and I see them touching their heads all the time. I teach K/1 and even the Ks are doing it fluently now rather than using fingers for everything. I LOVE it!!
FLUENCY TRIANGLES!!!! The Florida Center for Reading Research supports the use of fluency triangles, and I didn't know they existed until earlier this year. The ones on their site are mostly for later elementary students. But, I have found that they are simply amazing for the little ones, too. When I first discovered them, I made a pre-primer set and laminated them. The kids were immediately successful and started asking if they could read them when they finished their work. They were feeling like readers!! Then I added them to my daily language arts lessons on the smartboard and had even more success. It recently occurred to me that if they made their own as part of their word work, they could take them home and have their own sets to practice with. I would love for you to try them yourselves. For the rest of this week, I am having a flash freebie on my Primer set of Make-Your-Own Fluency Triangles. Grab it by clicking on the flash freebie link above.
Please comment and leave your favorite tip for us!!
Enjoy! And have a terrific week!!